Rovent is celebrating the humble yet so very versatile Potato at camp this year. So bring your Chips, Chowder and Croquettes along for the ride. Maybe you will even get a chance to enjoy a curly fry at camp.
** NEW ** Rovent Is not organizing a Bus this year. Two Groups are organizing buses to RoVent. We have shared their information on our Bus page. If those fill up or dont work for you feel free to use the RoVent Facebook page to share about ridesharing and carpooling opportunities.
If you are considering attending camp for the first time or haven’t been in 4 years due to a global pandemic and record flooding. You and your group should consider reviewing our FAQ page or our Cold Talk resources. These pages mostly cover; What Rovent is, The basics of Winter Camping & the tips and tricks the camp staff have found to stay warm and comfy at -10. Hint: it largely involves dry socks.
** NEW** Cold Talk 2024 – Recording posted to YouTube
Registration Package –download from here
Avalanche Canada Sessions – We are happy to announce that once again we have Avalanche Canada Ambassadors joining us for Avalanche Safety Sessions. If you are interested in attending one of these sessions please sign up in advance here.